The program for the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children's Day and the 9th Anniversary of Establishment was held

26 Apr, 2024

At the Mehmet Balcı Campus Akın Akkan Conference Hall of Istanbul Rumeli University, a celebration event was organized for the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children's Day, coinciding with the 9th Anniversary of our University's establishment. On this special day, a conference titled "The World's First Children's Day and National Sovereignty," presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman ÖZMEN, took place.

The opening speech of the program was delivered by Acting Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kara. Kara emphasized the significance of the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children's Day, as well as congratulated the University on its 9th Anniversary. Following this, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman ÖZMEN took the stage to delve into the history of the world's first children's day, April 23rd, and the importance of national sovereignty. Özmen's presentation was attentively followed by the participants.

Furthermore, the event provided an opportunity to celebrate the 9th Anniversary of Istanbul Rumeli University, marked by a ceremonial cake cutting on stage.