Ensuring the sharing of academic, social, and cultural services produced at the university with the public.
Preparing press releases for academic, social, and cultural activities organized within the university and announcing them to the press.
Monitoring academic, social, and cultural activities organized within the university, facilitating the publication of prepared news bulletins by sharing them with the press.
Monitoring news, articles, and programs in the media related to the topics within the scope of our Rectorate and affiliated institutions, informing the relevant units, compiling and archiving them in an organized manner.
Preparing press statements, bulletins, and announcements for the activities of our Rectorate to inform the public, organizing press conferences, and preparing documents to be distributed to the press.
Meeting verbal and written information requests from the press, ensuring accurate and healthy information flow between our university and the media.
Providing information and correction statements regarding news, articles, and programs containing incorrect or misleading information about our university.
Organizing the organization of academic, social, and cultural activities produced at the university.
o Designing, printing, and distributing event posters and invitations.
o Making event announcements through e-invitations and BHİM notifications.
o Providing protocol services for events.
o Capturing and archiving event photographs and videos.
Organizing events such as Academic Year Opening Ceremony, University Anniversary Celebrations, Staff Service Awards Ceremony, Graduation Ceremonies, etc. from the preparation stage onwards.
Periodically updating the internal and external protocol lists of our university.
Announcing through BHİM Notifications published on our university's website and updating the Press and Public Relations Directorate's webpage.
Managing communication lists of our university.
Organizing programs in Mehmet Balcı Campus and Akın Akkan Conference Hall.
Evaluating and following up on requests for setting up booths in Mehmet Balcı Campus.
Evaluating and following up on requests for hanging banners in Mehmet Balcı Campus.
Taking photographs of all events in Mehmet Balcı Campus.
In accordance with Article 8 of the (2006/3) Prime Ministry Circular, Law No. 3071 on the Exercise of the Right to Petition, and the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law No. 4982 on the Right to Information, the applications directed to our unit by the Prime Ministry Communication Center and the Council of Higher Education (BİMER) are to be evaluated promptly, examined, and sent to the relevant units for review. The responses received through the BYS System are to be followed up and concluded by closing them through the "New BİMER System" within the legal deadlines.
Evaluating and concluding Right to Information applications received through social media.
Compiling BİMER statistical information in tabular form annually and submitting it to the Council of Higher Education Presidency for evaluation by the Rectorate.
Carrying out all information, guidance, and promotional activities for prospective students within the Guidance and Solution Center under our Directorate.