Department for Financial Affairs

Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs in İstanbul Rumeli University aims to ensure that current resources of our University are utilized and audited transparently, efficiently and productively while heightening service quality; planning of the work-flow in accordance with effective laws and legislation; thoroughly executing services and actions specified in its assigned position. This is an Administrative Department dedicated to adapt into developing technology, modern, innovative, valuing team-spirit, enjoying a solution-focused and competent team of personnel willing to contribute to our University's development in line with its vision and mission.

General Accounting: Upon detecting basis of assessment on the taxation liabilities we observe, as per applicable legislation, our department is liable to record all financial transactions and forge the data that is used to measure capital and financial structuring of the institution.

To make sure that administrative accounting data, being helpful for the administration to analyze performed income and expense analysis and prospective planning, can be generated soundly and conveniently; our Department performs process analyses that are presented in financial analysis and reports.

In order to protect current assets of the Institute, our Department executes financial monitoring and auditing works.

Student Accounting: Collecting tuition fees, completing re-registration and new registration works; all financial deeds relevant of students, for instance installations, scholarship, reimbursement, are actualized as stipulated by Fiscal Legislation, Higher Education Legislation and İstanbul Rumeli University Domestic Legislation by Student Accounting Office.