Psychology Application and Research Center

Istanbul Rumeli University Psychology Application and Research Center started its activities following the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated October 22, 2020, and numbered 31282.


Center's Objective

The objective of the center is to provide psychological support/psychotherapy services to university students and individuals from outside the university according to their requests, conduct research, examination, development, and application in the field of psychology, offer education and counseling services, publish scientific works, provide supervised practical experience for graduate students in the field of clinical psychology, and provide research and educational opportunities in the field of clinical psychology for undergraduate/graduate students and academics in the Psychology Department.


Center's Activities

a) Conducting and commissioning R&D studies in line with the center's objectives, if necessary, leasing offices, workplaces, buildings, vehicles, and similar items in accordance with the relevant legislation.

b) Establishing centers that provide psychological support/psychotherapy and counseling services to university staff, students, or the local community and, if necessary, operating or managing these centers in connection with an Economic Enterprise.

c) Conducting research, examination, and application in the field of psychology and subfields of clinical psychology domestically and internationally, participating in and supporting such ongoing studies, preparing projects, and providing consultations.

ç) Organizing or participating in courses, seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums, and similar activities at the local, national, and international levels in the field of psychology and subfields of clinical psychology.

d) Producing reports, bulletins, projects, books, articles, journals, and similar publications in line with the objectives of the center.

e) Establishing a library and archive to follow developments and publications in the field of psychology.

f) Establishing a network of communication with national and international organizations involved in psychological research.

g) Engaging in other activities determined by the Board of Directors.


Prof. Dr. Mustafa KARA Rector/President
Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk ŞİMŞEK Manager
Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper HASANOĞLU Assistant Manager
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülin GÜNERİ Assistant Manager
Asst. Prof. Dr. Elif EROL Member
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hilal AKÇAY USUN Member
Gözde DURUSOY Researcher
Research Assistant Ahmet Akgün Researcher