
Istanbul Rumeli University Anesthesia Program gives its students an associate degree diploma and the title of Anesthesiologist at the end of 2 years of education. Anesthesia Program score type is TYT and the language of instruction is Turkish.

Associate degree graduates with the title of Anesthesia Technician can be employed in all health institutions where surgery is performed, such as state hospitals, university hospitals, private hospitals, maternity homes and private clinics. They can work as civil servants when they get sufficient points by participating in the associate degree KPSS session held every two years in the state staff.

Anesthesia Program students can do minor and double major programs during their 2-year education, and they can also complete their undergraduate education by taking the DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam) after graduation and gain the advantage of both profit and preference in their professional life.

Our students who benefit from the Rumeli Education Method can benefit from additional certificate programs that facilitate minor and double major opportunities, and provide profit and preference in professional life. With Career English courses, they can follow the knowledge of their field in an international language and evaluate their job opportunities abroad.

Anesthesia Program trains health technicians who will make all the necessary preparations for pre-operative anesthesia applications and have the knowledge and equipment to assist the anesthesiologist during the safe application and termination of anesthesia.

Practice-based training of our students is carried out in the laboratory / practice classes of our university and in our contracted practice hospital. In this way, our students are trained as well-equipped health personnel by gaining the qualifications required by the profession.


The language of instruction of the Department of Anesthesiology is Turkish. General English courses (compulsory by YÖK) are given by distance education. However, students whose General English level is B1 according to the CEFR, can attend İ.R.Ü. They can request Career English courses conducted under the Continuing Education Center. Career English courses open the way for students to follow the knowledge of their field in an international language and to search for opportunities abroad.

Anesthesia Technician has the opportunity to find a job in any health institution where surgery is performed. Students who successfully complete the anesthesia program have the opportunity to continue their undergraduate education in one of the departments of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Nursing and Nursing and Health Services with the Vertical Transfer Exam. The curriculum of the program has been prepared considering the students who want to continue their education at the faculty and it is aimed that they will not lose a semester.

Our students who are placed in the Anesthesia Program can transfer to the associate degree program of their choice according to the placement score type, with horizontal transfer between in-house and external programs after the first semester.

Horizontal transfer procedures can be applied in two ways with the criteria determined by the Higher Education Institution;
•    Departments in accordance with the principles of internal and inter-institutional transfers with a Weighted Grade Point Average (AGNO); Dental Services Division all programs, Therapy and Rehabilitation Division all programs, Medical Services Division all programs, Health Services Care Division all programs, Child Care and Youth Services Division all programs
•    Inter-institutional and intra-institutional transfer in accordance with the principles of lateral transfer with a central placement score.

Students who successfully complete the associate degree education of the Istanbul Rumeli University Anesthesia Program can complete their undergraduate education in the departments of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Nursing, Nursing and Health Services with the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) after the training they have received from the expert academic staff of our university.
Horizontal transfer procedures can be applied in two ways with the criteria determined by the Higher Education Institution;

• All departments and programs that are in compliance with the principles of internal and inter-institutional transfer with a Weighted Grade Point Average (AGNO).

• Intra-institutional transfer between institutions, in accordance with the principles of lateral transfer with a central placement score.

Our students who are placed in the Anesthesia Program can transfer to the associate degree program of their choice according to the placement score type, with lateral transfer between in-house and external programs after the first semester.

Our Anesthesia Program students have the right to receive a double major diploma from the associate degree program they choose from the departments listed below, with priority in all the programs of the "Medical Services and Techniques" within the scope of the double major.

• -All programs of the Department of Dentistry Services
• -Therapy and Rehabilitation Department, all programs
• -All programs of the Department of Medical Services and Techniques
• -Health Care Services Department all programs
• -All programs of the Child Care and Youth Services Department

With the double major opportunity, our students can improve themselves during their education period and certify their qualifications with diplomas and certificates

Each year, Istanbul Rumeli University offers students the opportunity to participate in the exchange of students with universities abroad within the extent of exchange programs administrated by the International Relations Office of Rumeli University.

The students of the Istanbul Rumeli University Anesthesia Program are supported by the certificate programs given by the Continuing Education Center throughout the education period. The certificates to be issued follow the legislative updates. Students who successfully complete their certificate programs transition to professional business life with the equipment needed in the international arena at the graduation stage.