
Section Objective

Gerontology is a scientific discipline that conducts studies on aging, determines regional policies based on obtained data, analyzes theories related to aging, and creates originality. It even analyzes the socio-economic aspect of aging for individuals and society from the beginning of life. Graduates of the Gerontology department earn the title of "gerontologist."

Career Advancement Gerontologists can work in public and private hospitals, nursing homes, physical therapy and rehabilitation centers, home care services sector, and institutions and organizations affiliated with the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services. Gerontologists can pursue an academic career by obtaining master's and doctoral education in their field or related health sciences.

Required Qualifications for the Profession Candidates who choose the Gerontology department and aim to work as "Gerontologists" in the sector should:

  • Have an interest in biology and basic medical sciences.
  • Have an interest in social science fields such as sociology and psychology.
  • Be curious and eager to research and learn.
  • Be capable of working collaboratively.
  • Have strong communication and empathy skills.
  • Be patient individuals.


The medium of instruction in the Gerontology department is Turkish. The "Career English Courses" aim to provide students with specialized English knowledge in their field so that they can pursue an international career while continuing their education in their native language. These courses involve reading and understanding texts written in English that cover the topics learned in their respective fields. The texts selected for each department are recommended by department faculty. The commonly used English vocabulary and terminology specific to each field are taught based on the content of the reading texts. If there are any language-related issues in understanding the content, they are addressed. Therefore, students taking this course are expected to have a minimum B1 level of General English proficiency according to the CEFR. The goal is for students who attend the courses every year to be able to read and understand books and articles written in English in their fields. In line with our students' ability to pursue an international career, they will have the opportunity to improve themselves by taking German courses according to their preferences.

Our students who are enrolled in the Gerontology undergraduate program can simultaneously complete some courses from another department in our university and receive a certificate by enhancing their knowledge in a different field through minor programs. With the opportunities provided by double major and minor programs, our students can develop themselves and document their competencies with a diploma and certificate.

Gerontologists can be employed in various fields, including:

  • Hospitals
  • Universities and research centers
  • Nursing homes
  • Private or government-affiliated elderly care facilities
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Employment in institutions and organizations such as the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Family and Social Services. Graduates of the department may also have opportunities to work abroad in many of the aforementioned fields.

During the 4-year education period, our students are targeted to have personal awareness through various certified personal development courses offered by our university's Continuing Education Center (SEM) after graduation. If the student is successful in these courses, they are entitled to receive internationally recognized certificates. The names of these courses are listed below:

  • Effective Communication and Negotiation Methods
  • Body Language and Diction
  • Time Management
  • Occupational Health and Safety