The score type of our Industrial Engineering Department is quantitative (SAY) and the language of the instruction is Turkish. At the end of 4 years of education, our students graduate with a bachelor's degree and the title of Industrial Engineer.
Graduates of this department can work as Quality engineers, ERP Consultants, Production Planning Engineers, Supply Chain Planning Specialists, and Risk Management specialists. They can work as Business Analysts in the consultancy sector, in the FMCG sector, in many areas from production to sales, and many public institutions such as the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Information Technologies Communication Authority, Competition Authority, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Treasury, KOSGEB, etc. In addition, Industrial Engineers work in departments such as Assistant Inspectorship or Head Office, SME Banking, Risk Management, Data Analysis, Sales and Marketing in banks, and areas such as software analysis, business analysis, and software testing in the automotive industry, production planning, purchasing, procurement, and logistics.
Our students who learn with the Rumeli Education Method can benefit from additional certificate programs that facilitate minor and double major opportunities and provide the expected qualifications in professional life. They can find job opportunities abroad by following the Career English courses.
The Department of Industrial Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the establishment, development and management of integrated systems consisting of people, materials, and machines. In short, it is 'The Science of Optimization', and it will not lose its popularity. In this department, besides primary engineering education, Operations Research, Production Systems, Production Planning, Stochastic Modeling, Supply Chain Management, Modeling and Optimization Methods, Management and Organization, Quality Management, Simulation, Work and Time Study, Occupational Safety, Human Resources Management, Project Management, Entrepreneurship and Feasibility Study, Management Information Systems are the main courses. Technical elective courses offered to our students starting from the 5th semester allow them to develop themselves in different specialization areas of Industrial Engineering.
The language of instruction in the Industrial Engineering program is Turkish. However, in order for our students to gain a competitive edge in the field, we also provide advanced level English language education. The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture provides the opportunity to graduate with a double degree. A student enrolled in an undergraduate program might complete some additional lectures in a different department at our university and obtain another certificate in a minor branch. Quality Engineer ERP consultant Production Planning Engineer Supply Chain Planning Expert Risk Management Expert Banking Software Automotive Consultancy Public Sector Private Sector Upon graduation, it is also possible to pursue an academic career in the areas of management, economy and finance by completing master’s and Ph.D. programs. Moveover, graduates can work at universities as research assistants, assistant professors, associate professors and professors.