Exemption Exam for Vocational School, Vocational School for Health Service and Faculty Freshman Students

The Exemption Exam date is announced in the academic calendar. Accordingly, students who want to take the exemption exam must apply online within the dates specified in the academic calendar. The application form will be completed and submitted online through our website. Information about the exam location and time will be made on T.R. İstanbul Rumeli University's announcement page on our vvebsite. The exemption exam is composed of multiple choice questions  for a total of 100 points. The exams will be graded vvith an optic reader. The exam covers the first year curriculum and the exam's level of difficulty vvill be at an A2 level. Students who achieve a passing letter grade of CC or a number score of 60 and above on the exemption exam vvill be exempt from the compulsory first year English classes.