a) To inform people about healthy living to protect public health, promote positive behaviors, develop projects and implement initiatives to make physical activity and exercise an integral part of individual lives.
b) To create research and scientific work environments for students and faculty members studying in line with the center's objectives.
c) To prepare and implement exercise programs for individuals with special needs and disabilities.
d) To collaborate with public and private institutions and organizations, nationally and internationally, regarding the areas of activity within the scope of relevant legislation and develop joint projects.
e) To conduct screening studies on physical fitness (performance analysis and health dimensions) for different sports disciplines and provide consultancy services for the performance development of professional and amateur athletes of all age groups.
f) To develop and implement social and sports rehabilitation programs for special groups and individuals with disabilities, and provide equipment support in line with these objectives.
g) To support injured athletes during their return to sports, and provide education on exercise and sports science to regional sports officials and athletes.
h) To establish laboratories, units, and centers to provide consultancy and rehabilitation services to internal and external stakeholders and the local community, and if necessary, operate or manage these centers in connection with commercial activities.
i) To conduct and commission R&D studies in line with the objectives of the center, and if necessary, lease suitable offices, workplaces, buildings, vehicles, and similar assets in accordance with relevant regulations.