Volunteer Work Student Congress to be held.

"Volunteer Work Student Congress" to be held

Istanbul Rumeli University will host the "Volunteer Work Student Congress" on May 29, 2023, in an online format.

The congress aims to strengthen the bonds between students and the community by encouraging them to be sensitive to humanitarian, social, economic, and other issues. It also seeks to develop their humanitarian, social, cultural, moral values, and skills through various volunteer activities they participate in or organize. As part of this, students are encouraged to take part in a volunteer area of their choice, within a project, and share the results.

This course, taught in all universities in our country, has been transformed into a Student Congress for the third time at Istanbul Rumeli University, offering students the opportunity to actively participate and present their own projects during the congress.

Chaired by Prof. Dr. Oğuz Özyaral and Co-chaired by Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Zeynep Güler Yenipınar, the Student Congress will begin at 10:30 AM on Monday, May 29, 2023, on a digital platform. The program will include presentations and posters prepared by students from different departments and programs, which will be evaluated by the scientific committee.

After the opening speeches, the participants will be divided into three separate sections to start the project presentations.

The Student Congress, with a total of 46 projects to be presented, will start at 11:00 AM in three separate sections, with presentations held in different rooms in parallel.

After the presentations in different sections, the participants will gather again on the digital platform for the closing ceremony of the congress.

Throughout the day, the presentations held in different sessions will be evaluated through a digital platform (Google form) by designated session chairs based on predetermined criteria.

Projects that receive high scores will be rewarded.

We invite everyone to join and listen to the beautiful projects presented.

Meeting Information / Student Congress Meeting / May 29, 2023

(A) Main Session

Meeting ID: 972 7458 1336

Passcode: 695101

(B) Side Session

Meeting ID: 946 4577 8789

Passcode: 030838

(C) Side Session

Meeting ID: 991 1394 2871

Passcode: 840449