Fiziotherapy and Rehabilitation Seminar and Project Days

Fiziotherapy and Rehabilitation Seminar and Project Days

We are excited to announce the second edition of the 'Fiziotherapy and Rehabilitation Seminar and Project Days,' which will be conducted together with our final-year students. They will be presenting seminars in five significant areas of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, ranging from muscle architecture to nerve mobilization. Additionally, they will share six different projects they have developed in line with their professional applications. We believe this event will not only be beneficial for our students but also contribute to our colleagues in the field.

The event will take place on May 29th, starting at 09:30 AM, and will be conducted online via Zoom.

Topic: 2nd Fiziotherapy and Rehabilitation Seminar and Project Days
Date: May 29, 2023, 09:30 AM Istanbul Time

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