How to Plan an Event?

Our university clubs submit their annual event draft plans to the Directorate of Student Affairs at the beginning of each academic year.

At the end of each month, the club management meets to plan the events for the following month. After the events are planned, they are submitted for advisor approval. The activity plan form (attachment-7) is filled out and submitted to the responsible unit at the Directorate of Student Affairs.

At least 15 days before the event date, a request form is filled out to meet the needs of the event (materials, venue, etc.).

If visual or special expressions are desired in the events, they should be specified in the event activity plan.

After the events are organized by the Student Affairs Office, they should be checked on the updated event calendar.

For any changes or cancellations to the planned events, information should be provided to the Student Affairs Office at least 1 week in advance.

For any questions or suggestions regarding the events, you can reach us by sending an email to [email protected]. You can also visit the Health, Culture, and Sports Directorate office of our university.