The 59-minute documentary film titled "Women of Heraion Teikhos," related to the "Heraion Teikhos" excavation project carried out on behalf of Istanbul Rumeli University by Prof. Dr. Neşe ATİK, will be screened for the first time during the DOCUMENTARIST 17th Istanbul Documentary Days, which will take place from June 8-13, 2024.
The film, produced and directed by Dr. Özge Deniz Özker, a lecturer in the Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema at Çukurova University's Faculty of Communication, features Turkish and English subtitles. The promotional text describes the film's content as follows:
"Women of Heraion Teikhos," one of the 15 films in the "Turkey Panorama" session, can be viewed on Tuesday, June 11, at 19:00 at the Aynalı Geçit Event Venue (Meşrutiyet Cad. Avrupa Pasajı Floor: 2 Galatasaray, 34435 Beyoğlu/Istanbul).
"Women of Heraion Teikhos" short promotional film:
DOCUMENTARIST 17th Istanbul Documentary Days promotion: